How to Hire a Data Science Leader - Wyatt Partners

How to Hire a Data Science Leader

How to hire a Data Science Leader

Know what you want in a data leadership candidate. If you have the knowledge base you can manage it internally if not you can engage consultants to define your needs.

The rest, as they say, is easy:

To hire the best Data science Leaders then you need to identify all the best candidates on the market. Access to databases and systems is necessary but more important is the knowledge and process to know how to search and identify the correct candidates

The Approach – Once identified you need to be able to contact and interest the Data Science Leaders. This requires access to a number of databases Linkedin, Monster, Github, Google Scholar to name but a few of the options. However more important is the knowledge of key drivers in the candidate market and the tone in which to address them in order to get a high response rate. This also takes a fair amount of intensive work as there are no shortcuts to contact hundreds of people.

Benchmarking – Once you have candidates interested you must start to qualify them. Start identifying first whether candidates match up to the basic specification. Beyond this, you want to measure across a series of key leadership & technical metrics you have previously decided upon. Tools like psychometric tests can help with this but ultimately experienced diagnostic questioning is the essential ingredient.

The ultimate goal – To have a number of candidates you know can perform the role from which your interview process can find the best fit for your organisational needs.

Don’t be afraid to adapt, this type of in-depth research can both confirm expected findings & trends but also unearth new findings don’t waste that it might lead to new directions in your skills and organisation if you are open it.

Next timedesigning an interview process to fit your needs

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