Is Data Science & AI an Oversaturated skills market ? - Wyatt Partners

Is Data Science & AI an Oversaturated skills market ?

People say Data Science & AI has become an oversaturated skills market.

And you can understand why.

Put out a job advert and in no time you’ll have 200 + applicants.

But dig a little deeper into those 200 applicants and you’ll probably find something like this:

  • 70 of the applicants are from the other side of the world
  • 70 will have very little real experience other than a few online qualifications
  • You’ll get 30 that were never really looking just wanted to test their own salary against the market
  • 30 will lack communication skills so basic they are an instant no
  • You might get 1 or 2 that look good on paper…if you are lucky.  But you might not.

These numbers are typical.

Yes the field is oversaturated.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult to hire good Data Scientist’s & Machine Learning Engineers.

It’s as hard as ever.

The Unicorns most companies need are still hard to find.

It’s just that in this market there is more noise to try and cut through than ever before.   There are more people who have done online qualifications, want to get into the field, but lack in depth experience.

Job adverts simply don’t work as a consistent recruitment solution.

A well researched & targeted approach is the only way to be consistently successful, and the only way recruiting won’t become a  frustrating & time consuming battle !

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