Quantum Machine Learning Recruitment
Recently we hired 4 Quantum Machine Learning Engineers for a client in less than 7 weeks.
In the previous 8 months they’d only managed to hire 2, despite having budget to hire 6.
Below is how we did it.
Whilst this example is based on a project to hire Quantum Machine Learning Engineers, the principals outlined are universal across Data Science & AI disciplines, where the overreliance on Job Adverts is causing companies a multitude of recruitment problems & roles to go unfilled for far too long.
We identified and then company mapped the Talent Pool (c.180-200). Why not ensure you have the complete Data set you need upfront?
Identifying an entire talent pool and putting in place the ability to engage with that talent pool across multiple touch points is the absolute key to the whole thing. In this way you don’t have to rely on luck that the perfect candidate may see your job ad, or that a recruiter may just happen to contact the perfect candidate.
Take Luck out of the equation.
Rewrote Job Advert to better align with candidates they were trying to attract. Delivered advert to Talent Pool.
Produced supporting collateral (digital & copy) with more insights into the company, role, inputs & outputs of the work, team, mission, founders, progression etc. Delivered this collateral to the talent pool over a 10 day period across multiple touchpoints & digital/social channels.
Interviewed, assessed & engaged candidates from the Talent pool, utilising ‘push pull’ assessment techniques to ensure qualification & time efficiency. Delivered shortlist & longlist to client to totally re-risk process.
Re-engineered lopsided interview process to gain competitive advantage.
9 candidates go through clients interview process over a 2 week period.
Offer Management process.
If you approach recruiting in a systematic data driven way combined with creation of collateral and content that engages and inspires interest, you can attract high % of talent pool even in disciplines where volume of talent is low and hard to bring to hiring table.
You also avoid the drudgery of having to sift through vast pools of ‘applicants’ from Job adverts, which is such a waste of time. (I’m not saying Job Adverts can’t be part of the toolkit)
The other benefit is you start to pull the right talent towards you for the right reasons (i.e they are genuinely interested in your company.) Rather than talent reaching out to you based on their own agenda. (often pure financial motivation)
If you want to discuss further do reach here.